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  • Writer's picturePushpraj Verma

Best Mobile App Development Ideas to Maximize ROI

The mobile app development companies are rapidly growing and evolving. According to the Lopez Research, more than 80% of the companies are building a strategy for scaling application development in their existing business model.

Frankly speaking, integrating an app into a traditional business model is a tough row to hoe. At the pace through which devices and operating systems are changing, it’s very hard for mobile app developers to cope up with this speed, but here there is a do and die situation for them.

Today the digital environment is very much app-focused with 3.8 million apps on Google Play and 2 million in the App Store.

Still, some people may miss the new concept of the app in the App Store and App Store. Here we are ready to share the best app ideas with you.

Latest Trend Of Mobile App Development

According to Statista report “in 2020, mobile apps are projected to generate 188.9 billion U.S. dollars in revenues via app stores and in-app advertising”.

These are the emerging trends of mobile app development that going to change the world of mobile applications.

Let’s start the ideas that will surely help you to accelerate your mobile app development process:

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Undeniably AI leverage a potential to enhance user experience and according to Gartner, by 2020, it will be integrated with almost every software. With the help of AI, businesses can introduce personalize brand, infuse connected cars or a customer service through chatbots.

After the realization that AI can solve the mammoth task calmly, mobile app development companies started focusing on it to compete with the competitive market.

Today most of the mobile apps and services that we are using in our daily life are based on artificial intelligence. Here are a few existing applications that may help you to generate your own app idea:


It is a virtual assistant introduced by Apple Inc, uses voice queries and a natural-language user interface to answer questions, make recommendations, and perform actions by delegating requests to a set of Internet services.


It’s an American top media services provider, offers online streaming of a library of films and television programs including web series.


It manages business expenses. With the help of Fyle mobile application, employees can scan, upload, and track company receipts.


A number of startups based on blockchain technology are growing day by day, previously only Fintech industry was availing the benefits of this amazing technology but now it has found its way into a huge range of industries.

For companies, the most interesting ideas for blockchain mobile app development are smart contracts, digital voting, distributed cloud storage etc.

Augmented Reality (AR)

AR is the integration of digital information with the user’s environment in real time, it uses the existing environment and overlays new information on top of it. On the basis of Global Industry Analysts, “the worldwide market for Mobile Augmented Reality Mobile Apps are anticipated to achieve US$3.9 billion by 2020”.

Augmented Reality idea can be implemented in the Automobile Industry, Restaurant business, Tourism, Health Care, etc.


This new trend has shaken the world with its huge potential of evaluating, diagnose and treat patients at a distance using telecommunications technology. Today Telemedicine and Telehealth open the door of opportunities for doctors and patients as they can communicate via video chat, doctors can examine their patient using a mobile application and can prescribe drugs, and check symptoms on the basis of their behavior.

Now, this striking evolution has become an important part of the American health care infrastructure and many other developing countries are also working to integrate it into their traditional healthcare model.

Currently, there are various successful telemedicine apps are available in the market. If your business is connected with healthcare industry than this a right time, try your hand in telemedicine mobile app development.

On-Demand Mobile App

This process is used in providing on-demand services or products. On the basis of demand services, mobile app development flow, design, features and target audience will change.

If you want on-demand mobile application development, then first you should brainstorm about it.

It doesn’t matter whether you are running your own business or planning to do so. The on-demand mobile app is best for both conditions, simply choose any and get on with it!

Internet of Things

Internet of Things, a breakthrough technology is taking the mobile app development service into a frictionless road. With this bolstering technology businesses are becoming more efficient and effective.

Now IoT industry is become a multi-billion-pound industry, by 2020 more than 100 million devices will be projected to connect with private networks or the Internet.

Mobile app developers can avail this technology for creating healthcare monitoring systems, smart parking, smart roads, music players, wireless sensor systems etc.

Business insider predicted that businesses will raise their spending on IoT solutions by 2021, it will hit $6 trillion by the end of 2021. Venture capitalists will continue to pour their funds into the IoT to improve customer experience in almost every industry.

Final Words

The mobile application becomes an integral part of every business. Implement unique mobile development app idea before someone else implement it.

So, have you got an idea for the next great app? Let us know about it and we will be happy to help you. Contact us at +1 (512) 333-1321 or visit Consagous Technologies.


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