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  • Writer's picturePushpraj Verma

How IoT Is Spawning Better Business Models

In this frisky world, where things move at digital warp speed, customer expectations are raising day by day and because of this businesses are feeling ruthless pressure to keep up. But now a bold new wave of IoT technology optimizes the environment for the future and helping businesses to serve their clients more adroitly.

The Internet of Things and other breakthrough technologies are simultaneously multiplying customer options while reinforcing competitive advantage. With these new technologies, businesses are becoming more efficient and compelling. Yet according to the Harvard Business Review study, “To take advantage of new, cloud-based opportunities, today’s companies will need to fundamentally rethink their orthodoxies about value creation and value capture.”

  • Harley Davidson reduced its build-to-order cycle by a factor of 36 and grew overall profitability by 3% to 4% by shifting production to a fully IoT-enabled plant.

  • Rolls-Royce uses IoT to increase the fuel efficiency of jet engines, optimize flight paths, and improve maintenance. Attaining a 1% reduction in fuel usage translates to a cost savings of $250K per plane, per year.

  • Royal Dutch Shell realized a $1M return on a $87K investment in a remote IoT-based asset monitoring and maintenance solution that tracks activity across 80 oil fields in West Africa. Combined daily oil production across the oil fields is nearly 600,000 barrels.

  • Environmental monitoring, smart metering, renewable plants supervision, and inventory intelligence are among the top areas IoT can deliver the most value for in 2018.

  • 60% of enterprises do not have the analytics capabilities to take advantage of the data generated from IoT.

Here are three ways this rethinking has created a revolution in the marketplace.

Rolls-Royce Engines: Pioneering Platform as a Service

“Platform as a Service” is a cloud-based service used to collect and analyze data, and where payment is oriented toward services rather than physical goods. It leverages the IoT to monitor practices with sensors that collect data and also track the product’s performance in real time.

Rolls Royce is one of the best companies that excel at Platform as a Service with the help of its TotalCare program. The model used in its engine is known as “power by the hour” and it is charged on a fixed dollar-per-flying-hour basis. The company determinedly manages the engine to accomplish highest flying availability by saving the on fuel costs and reduces environmental impact since the collected data, and the associated analytics, keep engines running at peak efficiency.

A Brand-New Business Cycle with IoT

The genius thinking behind the Peloton exercise bike follows the wisdom outlined in the Harvard Business Review piece, “How the Internet of Things Changes Business Models.” Peloton’s model represents a key paradigm shift made possible by IoT: The path to profit goes from “selling the next product or device” to “enabling recurring revenue,” which is much more lucrative.

What makes this possible? For Peloton, it begins with the base product, which retails for roughly $2,000 and is a high-end, indoor bicycle rigged with a Wi-Fi-enabled, 22-inch touchscreen tablet. But that’s not where the cyclical action if you will, is in terms of revenue. Peloton also streams live and on-demand classes, which at-home users can connect to via Peloton’s servers.

On-demand customer products

Internet of Thing increased the level of customization unimaginably; businesses can now manufacture customized products, without keeping an inventory. IoT sensors and Machine vision generate measurements and specs implemented through additive manufacturing techniques.

With AI, a mobile app developer can utilize machine learning to add new features in while developing mobile application and can make suggested changes over time.

Summing Up

Internet of things holds a great future for businesses, because of this; smart devices have become convoluted into our lives. IoT is important to sense and collect data from connected devices, and then share that data across the internet where it can be processed and utilized for various purposes and decisions. With IoT, businesses can increase their productivity and its benefits are endless, so without wasting your time hire extremely talented mobile app developers.

To know more about Mobile App Development, contact us or visit Consagous Technologies.

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